Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cyclone Thane hits India's southeast coast

A severe cyclone in India brought lashing winds and heavy rain to the southeastern coastline on Friday, killing at least 11 people, the Associated Press reported.

Cyclone Thane uprooted trees, ripped off traffic signals from their posts and sent shards of glass and debris flying through the air, CNN reported. The Cyclone hit the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and the union territory of Puducherry, flooding many roads and cutting off cell phone service.

Read more at GlobalPost: Australians brace for Hurrican (Cylcone) Grant, likely to hit Christmas Day

The India Meteorological Department said the cyclone was centered in the Indian Ocean, just 22 miles from Puducherry. Winds reached up to 85 miles per hour in the coastal town of Cuddalore, where 11 people died mostly due to wall collapses and electrocution, the AP reported.

Emergency crews have been working to restore power supplies and clear roads of fallen trees and downed power lines, CNN reported.

Cyclone Thane did manage to leave the southern Andhra Pradesh coast untouched, the Times of India reported. Railroads and airports shut down, either canceling or rescheduling service, and fisherman were advised not to go out to sea.

When Cyclone Laila hit last year, at least 23 people were killed on the southern coast, the BBC reported. It was the worst storm to hit Andhra Pradesh in 14 years and led to more than 50,000 people being evacuated. Andhra Pradesh was hit by its worst cyclone in 1977, when more than 10,000 people were killed, the BBC reported.

Read more at GlobalPost: US Gulf coast warned about possible tropical cyclone


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Friday, December 30, 2011

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Fire kills 17 in Myanmar's main city of Yangon (AP)

YANGON, Myanmar ? A fire followed by several explosions engulfed state warehouses and neighboring homes in Myanmar's main city of Yangon on Thursday, killing at least 17 people and injuring 108.

The blasts occurred as firefighters were putting out the fire that had started in a state-owned warehouse before spreading to other warehouses and nearby homes and buildings before dawn.

Six of the dead were firefighters, a home ministry source said. He did not want to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

He added the fire and blasts destroyed 16 warehouses, a Buddhist monastery and 76 homes in Mingalar Taung Nyunt township in eastern Yangon.

A total of 108 injured people were brought to Yangon General Hospital, said a senior nurse. The nurse did not want to be identified because she is not authorized to speak to the media.

"Many of the dead were hit by flying debris of broken walls and stone slabs that were flung on to the streets due to the explosions," Maung Win, a 45-year-old resident, told the Associated Press.

The explosions rocked the entire city, jolting residents from sleep. A 20-foot (6-meter) -wide and 15-foot (4.5-meter) -deep crater was visible at the site. Black smoke was seen billowing from the rubble Thursday morning.

Firefighters were searching for bodies from among the debris.

It was not immediately clear what caused the fire, but the home ministry official said the explosions were due to chemicals, including ammonia and potassium nitrate, stored in one of the warehouses.

Residents said the fire started in a warehouse that stored electronic goods then spread to other warehouses and houses.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Groundbreaking held for tornado victims' new home

By Clare Huddleston

It?s a new beginning for a Pleasant Grove family that survived the April 27 tornado.?

On Friday, the Myrick family, with the help of others, broke ground on a new home in the McDonald Chapel community.? The Myrick family has been through a lot the past year.?

?We had a baby, a little girl, that lived three months and died last year.? Recently we were involved in the tornado on April 27th.? We had several family members pass away," explained Chris Myrick.

By turning some dirt, the Myricks hope their luck may be turning around too.?

?We're being given a pretty awesome gift that's going to change our life.? A house of our own and I don't know what else to say," Myrick said.

The Myricks have never owned a home before.? The home they were living in that was destroyed by the April 27 tornado was a home they were renting.? When they got the deed to the property at 420 Roanoke Avenue, they were elated.?

?I'm excited we'll be able to have something of our own and being able to raise a family in it and share good times,? said Hannah Myrick, who is pregnant again with a baby girl they?ve named Rider Brooke.?

?I think it's been a long hard road and I hope the starting of building this house will turn things around and make things brighter for us," she said.

Volunteers of America is helping build the Myrick?s new home.?

?Volunteers of America live with this mantra:? there's no limits to caring,? said Rick Ousley, ?We're gonna build them a house and before Easter we'll have them a home to live in and they'll celebrate the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of hope for their family.??

Volunteers for America say the house will cost about $75,000. ?It will be built with volunteers and lots of donated materials.


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Putin resists rerun; Kremlin ideologist out (AP)

MOSCOW ? Facing a swelling wave of public anger over fraud-tainted elections, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Tuesday rejected demands for a rerun of the vote, while the Kremlin reassigned the architect of his tightly controlled political system to a job with no apparent domestic political duties.

The order by President Dmitry Medvedev to make Vladislav Surkov a deputy prime minister in charge of economic modernization was variously interpreted as a sign that leaders recognize the need for significant reform and as a cosmetic move with little meaning.

Allegations of fraud in the Dec. 4 national parliamentary election sparked a wave of protests unprecedented in post-Soviet Russia, including two vast rallies in Moscow that attracted tens of thousands. Putin, who was president in 2000-2008, seeks to return to the Kremlin in elections in March, and the protests have undermined his image as the inevitable winner.

Putin and Medvedev have sought to dilute the protests by rolling out a set of proposed political reforms, but have firmly resisted the protest leaders' main demand that the parliament elections be annulled and rerun. Opposition forces also say the proposed reforms are too little and too late.

In a meeting with supporters Tuesday, Putin again took a tough line on the election, saying "there can't be any talk about reviewing it" ? a position likely to lead to more protests.

The protesters have not only denounced the elections, but the entire so-called "managed democracy" political system implemented under Putin, under which parties that do not take their cues from the Kremlin or United Russia have been forced to the far sidelines.

Surkov, whose formal title had been deputy chief of the presidential administration, was seen as the developer of that system. He also is believed to be the creator of the intensely pro-Putin Nashi youth movement despised by the opposition.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, a close Putin associate, was quoted by the state news agency RIA Novosti as saying The decision about the departure of Surkov, which I understand was made by Putin and Medvedev, is a very serious order for the renovation of the political system."

But in the view of Mikhail Prokhorov, the tycoon and New Jersey Nets owner who plans to run against Putin in March, "what happened today is no more than the moving of people from one office to another."

Putin on Tuesday urged his supporters to ensure fairness of the presidential vote to prevent any possible criticism, and discussed details of his proposal to put web cameras at all polling stations. He also suggested that all ballot boxes be made transparent.

"As a candidate, I don't need any vote-rigging," Putin said. "I want the election to be maximally transparent. I want to rely on people's will."

Alexei Navalny, an anti-corruption lawyer and popular blogger who has been a key driving force behind the latest protests, vowed that up to a million demonstrators would take to the streets before the presidential election.

Although Putin is seen as still the strongest candidate in the presidential elections, recent polls suggest his support his not enough to win an outright victory in the first round.

His United Russia party retained a slim majority in parliament in the December elections, but lost about 25 percent of its seats. The party's electoral performance, which protesters say would have been even weaker in an honest count, has galvanized opposition forces that were long marginalized under Putin.


Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What is a 'gamer' in 2011? ? GeekOut - Blogs

The word "gamer" was more prevalent than ever in our lexicon this year.

Zachary Levi recently chimed in with his theory that everyone is a gamer at some level.

CNN Geek Out recently spoke to hardcore gamer Morgan Webb, host of ?X-Play? on G4, and asked her what it means to be a gamer and about the state of gaming in 2011.

?Unfortunately, it is a more confusing word now because there are so many different types of games and so many people playing games from on their cell phones, or on Facebook, or on many other things," she said.

"The word encompasses so many different groups, so it doesn?t really mean as much as it used to. I call myself a gamer, but someone?s mom who plays ?Farmville? all the time, maybe she calls herself a gamer too, and she should, because she is. I think we need words to start differentiating the subgroups.?

Webb got into gaming well before "Farmville," of course. Her first console was an Atari 2600, where she played ?Combat? and ?Plaque Attack? for hours on end. She is also an avowed fanatic when it comes to the ?Centipede? arcade game.
Below, more of our chat with Webb about the year in gaming.

CNN Geek Out: This was a year for sequels. Every major title that came out had a number after it. Why is that?

Webb: We?re nearly at the end of a console cycle, so series that have begun at the beginning of the console cycle, they?re starting to finish up the series. People have made the investment in the franchise and they?ve got the art together and they don?t want to create something completely new when new consoles are starting to be on the horizon.

CNN Geek Out: Were there any games that surprised you this year?

Webb: "LA Noire" from Rockstar. Rockstar traditionally makes very good games, but we were surprised and delighted that the game had a very different perspective on the traditional "Grand Theft Auto"-style open world game. That was a great surprise and a great game.

Geek Out: What?s going to be different in the next generation of consoles?

Webb: I think they are going to have a lot of cloud functionality. You?ll be able to play games on the cloud. You?ll definitely be able to have saves on the cloud. They?re going to start transitioning people off of discs. That doesn?t mean they aren?t going to have disc drives because they are. But we?re going to start having consoles with big hard drives that you can gather those games because you?re going to have much better bandwidth. You?re going to be able to download those games more often. They?re going to want to start that transition and start cutting out the actual game stores just like how book stores have been cut out from books. On the gaming side, we going to see very powerful graphics cards and we?re going to see very powerful processors. They?re going to be very powerful computers that are going to sit next to your television and they?re going to be very good prices for what you are going to get.

CNN Geek Out: With the Wii U and the PlayStation Vita coming out next year, is this where we are headed with more motion controls and less button pushing in gaming?

Webb: I think there is room for both. Core gamers - the hardcore gamers who play games like "Gears of War," "Call of Duty," "Assassin's Creed" and Skyrim" - that gamer is definitely more interested in using a controller for a lot of their experiences. The problem is that [with] the [PlayStation] Move, these motion experiences aren?t nuanced enough to actually give the player as much control as they would have with a [regular] controller. For example, if you are swinging a sword on a Wii game, you slash to the right and it does a right slash or slash to the left and it does a left slash, but it doesn?t really track or there is no skill involved. Now you are just standing up there making slashing motions for three hours.

CNN Geek Out: Are the console wars still alive or has the battle moved to specific game titles?

Webb: I think there are people on the Internet who sit there and decide that everything on the PlayStation is awesome and everything on the Xbox is awful and people who think that everything on the Xbox is great and everything on the PS3 is terrible. We call those people trolls. People become emotionally invested in the console they purchase, so that?s the reason they get so attached to it. I think in general most people are saying, "Hey, I have an Xbox and I like it, and lots of good games come out for both consoles." Each console has their exclusives and they are great exclusives on each. The Wii tends to have fewer rabid proponents because it tends to aim for a more casual audience.

While Webb would not name her 2011 Game of the Year, she did have some recommendations that players should pick up if they can:

?The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? ? ?You have adventures in this world that is very living and you have hundreds and thousands of choices you make and it all seamlessly works together.?

?Uncharted 3? ? ?This is what we want the ?Indiana Jones? movies to be. You are living and playing that ?Indiana Jones? treasure hunting experience.?

?Resistance 3? ? ?A little off the beaten path. It has funky, over-the-top weapons, but funny weapons, weird crazy weapons that you aren?t going to see anywhere else.?

?Saints Row The Third? ? ?A GTA style game that is hilarious and over-the-top and crazy. Not for kids!?

?Portal 2? ? ?There are some great puzzles in there.?

Click here for more of CNN's coverage of gaming in 2011.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

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China grapples with mass migration from villages to cities

Reporting from Beijing?

It's been called the largest migration in human history: An estimated 320 million Chinese will leave small villages and rural counties to start new lives in cities over the next decade and a half.

It's the equivalent of everyone in the United States packing their belongings and changing addresses.

Urbanization is the linchpin to China's development. It raises standards of living and encourages residents to become consumers.

But as Tom Miller describes in his upcoming book, "Urban Billion" (Zed Books), the process thus far has been messy and uneven.

Pollution is choking Chinese cities. Breakneck growth has sapped urban areas of their character. Millions of new city dwellers work at low-wage jobs and don't have access to social services.

"Simply moving a farmer into a flat does not make him an economically significant consumer," writes Miller, the Beijing-based managing editor of the China Economic Quarterly. "On the contrary, if policymakers do not extend social welfare to migrants and fail to integrate them into the urban economy, greater urbanization could merely create a gargantuan urban underclass."

In an interview with The Times, Miller, 32, said the government's urbanization plan was guided by a "sense of duty to create better lives." But to be successful, planners will have to abandon the notion of growth for growth's sake and pay attention to building a more livable environment that gives residents access to public education, clean air and affordable housing.

Question: Why does it often seem like modern Chinese cities are designed without consideration for the people who live in them?

Answer: There's a rough-and-ready quality to Chinese cities, which some people find quite attractive. Most ordinary people would think they are pretty darn ugly, with enormous roads and big, boxy buildings clad with bathroom tiles. There's no sense at all of aesthetic, or the aesthetic they have is often brutish. For the most part it's all a question of function rather than design. One of the original reasons for this goes back to Soviet design, which has to be functional and aid social control.

Chinese cities also suffer from gigantism. There's this obsession with being as large as possible. That's because Chinese officials making planning decisions get promoted for pushing economic growth above all else rather than providing public good and making people's lives better.

Q: But growth is also undergirded by significant demand.

A: China has had to house over 20 million new urbanites every year. There's also huge demand in China to upgrade to something decent. Until 10 years ago, very few people lived in property with their own bathroom. You'd be lucky to have your own tap for water.

The sheer numbers of housing needed means you have to build very, very fast. It's a matter of satisfying demand quickly rather than satisfying quality or design.

Q: Will Chinese people begin demanding more livable cities?

A: As people get richer, they can handle a certain amount of pollution until they reach a level. You saw that in London and you saw that in L.A. When you get fed up, you demand a better living environment. Then the government will have to react. I think you're seeing that happen in Beijing right now. We've had terrible pollution in the last year and it's much more in the public consciousness. That and traffic. People are coming around to the fact that growing really fast without worrying about the consequences doesn't necessarily produce a nice living environment.

Q: Are planners following the correct model to build their cities? Are they in danger of making the same mistakes as the West?

A: China has nearly one-fifth of the world's population and only 7% of the world's arable land. It makes no sense for China to follow a U.S. model. It has to go with concentrated living because it doesn't have the available land for people to have their own house and their own yard.

A lot of my American friends come to Beijing and say it looks like a city in the Midwest because everything is so spread out and big. Cities are sprawling in China, particularly Beijing, which has been built around a car economy. Beijing is an example of how not to do things.

Q: At the same time, more than 30 cities will be adding mass-transit networks in the coming years.

A: One thing China does well is infrastructure. Whatever you may think of the financing behind it, they're very good at building stuff, and this is the biggest subway building boom the world has ever seen. And it's absolutely necessary. It's the only possible way of moving people around.

Q: Urbanization won't work without proper social services. What's being done about that?

A: China has already started to weave its social security net. It's at a very early stage. On a per-capita basis, it's puny. But the point is you have to start somewhere. China probably looks like Britain in the late 1940s after the Second World War. But you're talking about a much bigger country and much higher cost.

Q: How does this impact people on the other side of the world?

A: Clearly, whether China's cities are ugly or not doesn't matter if you're sitting in Beverly Hills. But you might be interested in how a billion people live.

More directly, it impacts climate change and commodity prices. China has to import most of the raw materials it needs to build these cities. It's very important if you're Brazil or Australia exporting iron ore to make steel. It's important to America in terms of exporting soybeans [for animal feed] because as more people move to the cities they start eating a lot more meat.

It also has an impact on gasoline pump prices. More people in China are going to buy cars and drive up the cost of oil.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Engadget's Holiday Blues-buster 2011: win an iPad 2 16GB WiFi, courtesy of Broadcom!

This is it, folks: the last day of a memorable week. We laughed, we cried, four fantastic gizmos have been given out as holiday momentos. Now it's time for the final round, so get your commenting faces on. Today Broadcom is once again "connecting everything" by offering up the iPad 2 16GB WiFi version! As usual, you have until 11:59PM ET to leave your comment and get entered to win. If you haven't had any luck winning a free iPad 2 from Twitter spambots yet, maybe your fortune will improve with us. Good luck!

Continue reading Engadget's Holiday Blues-buster 2011: win an iPad 2 16GB WiFi, courtesy of Broadcom!

Engadget's Holiday Blues-buster 2011: win an iPad 2 16GB WiFi, courtesy of Broadcom! originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 23 Dec 2011 11:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

GlobeMetro: Springfield man who burned church after Obama election gets nearly 14 years in prison -

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No votes, but things seem to be going Romney's way

Republican presidential candidate former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a pizza to patrons while campaigning at Village Pizza in Newport, N.H., Wednesday Dec. 20, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Republican presidential candidate former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a pizza to patrons while campaigning at Village Pizza in Newport, N.H., Wednesday Dec. 20, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during at campaign stop at the Stage Restaurant in Keene, NH., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. Romney is kicking off a three day bus tour of the state. (AP Photo/Matthew Cavanaugh)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, shakes hands with a supporter during at campaign stop at the Stage Restaurant in Keene, NH., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. Romney is kicking off a three day bus tour of the state. (AP Photo/Matthew Cavanaugh)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann arrive at a campaign stop at the Stage Restaurant in Keene, NH., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. Romney is kicking off a three day bus tour of the state. (AP Photo/Matthew Cavanaugh)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney listens to his wife Ann during a campaign stop at the Stage Restaurant in Keene, NH., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. Romney is kicking off a three day bus tour of the state. (AP Photo/Matthew Cavanaugh)

(AP) ? The stars may be aligning for Mitt Romney ? and at just the right time.

Four years after his failed White House bid, the former Massachusetts governor's strategy in the 2012 Republican presidential race has long been premised on a respectable finish in the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses followed by a decisive New Hampshire victory to drive momentum heading into South Carolina, Florida and beyond.

To be sure, no one has voted yet. The outcome in Iowa will shape the race, the contest has been mercurial and Romney still faces hurdles, not the least of which is his failure to become the chosen one in GOP circles after running for president for the better part of five years.

Still, his preferred scenario is looking more plausible now, thanks to Ron Paul's helpful ascent, Newt Gingrich's slide and fractures among conservatives who have not rallied behind an alternative to Romney. There's a growing sense inside and outside of Romney's campaign that his path to the nomination is clearer than it has been in weeks.

"Barring a tornado, things are starting to line up for Romney at the right time," said Dave Roederer, an unaligned Republican who served as Sen. John McCain's Iowa campaign chairman in 2008.

Indeed, with voting set to begin in just 12 days, polling suggests that the latest candidate to challenge Romney's place atop the field, Gingrich, is slipping in Iowa and elsewhere under the weight of negative advertising fueled by Romney allies and other campaigns. And Romney has begun to display a confidence of sorts as he expands what is already a mammoth political machine in early voting states and other places across the country.

Perhaps illustrating his newfound optimism after weeks of concern inside his campaign, Romney went after Gingrich in uncharacteristically sharp language Wednesday for complaining of repeated attack ads.

"If you can't stand the relatively modest heat in the kitchen right now, wait until Obama's Hell's Kitchen shows up," Romney told supporters in Keene, the first stop in a multi-day bus tour showcasing his growing bench of New Hampshire political backers.

Among them: two of the three Republicans in the state's congressional delegation as well as former Sen. Judd Gregg and former Gov. John H. Sununu. More than 100 current and former elected officials are backing Romney in New Hampshire.

In a later campaign stop in the state's largest city, Gingrich shot back, shortly after having announced the support of state House speaker Bill O'Brien, who declared that Romney was taking New Hampshire for granted.

"If he wants to test the heat, I'll meet him anywhere in Iowa next week," Gingrich said. "If he wants to try out the kitchen, I'll be glad to debate him anywhere. We'll bring his ads and he can defend them."

Political observers suggest that even if Romney doesn't win Iowa ? which has never warmed to him, and dealt him a blow in 2008 ? he's on safer ground in New Hampshire's Jan. 10 primary.

His hope is that victory here, a state that's essentially his adopted home, could help him overcome trouble in South Carolina, an evangelical bastion that spurned him four years ago but where he now has the coveted endorsement of tea party favorite Gov. Nikki Haley.

Florida comes next, and Romney by far leads the GOP pack in building a campaign organization there. He's sitting on a pile of money for a state campaign that is primarily waged with expensive ads.

"It doesn't help you to peak in August or September, or October ? you need to peak on Election Day," said Jamie Burnett, an unaligned GOP operative who led Romney's New Hampshire political operation four years ago. "Romney is making his closing argument now and seems to be in a pretty strong position."

Romney's biggest threat has been that one of his rivals would catch fire and consolidate the anti-Romney vote at the right time. That could well still happen.

But month after month, candidates have risen and fallen under the weight of their political shortcomings.

While conservatives, particularly tea party activists, continue to be wary of Romney's candidacy, they've struggled to rally behind a single opponent even as Romney has fallen short in consolidating all parts of the party behind his candidacy.

Still, Paul and others, such as Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, are not backing down.

Perry in particular has been pouring money into television advertising in recent weeks to help revive his candidacy. He's spent $4.4 million to date on Iowa TV alone, while an organization run by his allies has spent $1.5 million there, according to figures obtained by The Associated Press.

Paul, a Texas congressman with strong libertarian leanings, has spent roughly $1.75 million so far on Iowa television advertising and $700,000 in New Hampshire.

Romney's campaign generally sees Paul's rise, particularly in Iowa, as an asset.

Because of a quirky style and hardline foreign policies, Paul is generally seen by prominent Republicans as a poor match for President Barack Obama in the general election. A Paul victory in Iowa, therefore, might be dismissed as an anomaly.

Romney's allies have spent $2.8 million on Iowa television advertising, largely on negative advertising aimed at Gingrich.

The onslaught has helped to reverse Gingrich's recent rise in Iowa, where he had set high expectations, recently proclaiming that he's the most likely candidate to win the caucuses.

"Ads that have been running against Gingrich reminded people about some things that many people forgot," Roederer said. "Now, Gingrich has pretty much put himself in a must-win situation."

Romney has been at or near the top of the field for months while spending only a small fraction of his money so far on TV ads, roughly $1.8 million in New Hampshire and Iowa.

But his prospects are far from sealed. He's left a lot of people unconvinced.

"I like Romney a lot, I could vote for him," said Rod Crowner, a West Burlington, Iowa, city councilman who met Bachmann on Wednesday. "But we haven't seen him here.

"He seems to be making a play in Iowa. But in the cities. Not in places like West Burlington. And that's his problem. He is city. And I'm not sure he completely understands the issues facing small towns here in the Midwest."

Associated Press


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Penn St AD: 'Deliberate, measured' coach search

(AP) ? Penn State may still be without a replacement for fired coach Joe Paterno by the time the Nittany Lions play in the TicketCity Bowl on Jan. 2

The six-person search committee is taking a "very deliberate and measured approach to the process in order to identify the coach that best fits the requirements of the position," acting athletic director Dave Joyner said Thursday in a written statement.

School president Rodney Erickson and Joyner had both said they hoped to have a new coach before No. 24 Penn State's bowl game.

But Thursday, Joyner said a new coach would be introduced "at the appropriate time," and the statement offered no specific timeline.

Erickson was out of town Thursday for the holidays. Spokesman Bill Mahon said Joyner was providing Erickson with regular updates.

"I think they have both emphasized the most important element here is to get the right coach, not speed up the timing of the search," Mahon said. "There is no update on possible timing."

Longtime defensive coordinator Tom Bradley has been running the program on an interim basis since school trustees fired Paterno on Nov. 9 in the aftermath of child sex abuse charges against retired defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky.

Paterno is not a target of an investigation into the Sandusky case by the state attorney general's office, though he was dismissed amid mounting criticism that school leaders should have done more to prevent alleged abuse. Sandusky, who has maintained his innocence, is awaiting trial.

Making a good hire, and soon, is generally seen as a critical step to secure the future of Penn State's storied football program. A couple of recruits have already revoked their verbal commitments to the school in the wake of the Sandusky scandal.

Erickson said earlier this month one of the top criteria in the coaching search is "how that person would fit into the value system of Penn State, which clearly has to be honesty, integrity and commitment to excellence in academics."

According to Joyner, the school "is continuing to talk with individuals that we're interested in and work through the interview process." He called it a "very important hire for Penn State."

Bradley and defensive line coach Larry Johnson are among those who have been interviewed.

Green Bay quarterbacks coach Tom Clements was scheduled to have a phone interview last week, USA Today has reported. At Packers practice Thursday, Clements declined comment on whether he was interested in the job and would not confirm if he had interviewed for it.

Nebraska's Bo Pelini also emerged this week on the seemingly endless rumored list of potential college-level prospects. Pelini after practice Tuesday called the reports irresponsible and untrue, and said he had not interviewed at Penn State.

As for the Nittany Lions, players have gone home for the holidays. They are scheduled to regroup Monday in Dallas to prepare for the bowl game against No. 20 Houston.


Sports Writer Chris Jenkins in Green Bay, Wis., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Big bucks: MN's highest-paid private college presidents

A new report shows that the presidents of Minnesota's private colleges make a lot of money ?but no where near what presidents make in other parts of the country.

>Click to the right to see the highest-paid presidents at Minnesota private colleges. >>>>>

The Chronicle of Higher Education looked at the tax returns of the presidents of 482 private colleges that spend at least $50 million a year. The pay was for fiscal 2010, so some of the presidents on the list are no longer in those jobs. (Our list of Minnesota presidents include only those in positions today.)

The survey showed that the median salary for a private college president was nearly $386,000, which was up 2.2 percent from the previous year.

Constantine Papadakis, the former president of Drexel University?

Each president in the Top 10 made at least $1.5 million, and 36 presidents made at least $1 million.

>Click here to see the entire list. It's sortable by state.

Presidents at Minnesota's largest private colleges don't come close to that. Brian Rosenberg, president of Macalester College?

How does that compare to some other Minnesota educational leaders?

  • University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler is paid a base salary of $610,000 annually.
  • John Gulla, who is retiring in June as the leader of The Blake School in Hopkins (K-12) is paid $581,000 a year, the Star Tribune reported.
  • Ed Kim, the top executive at Breck School in Golden Valley (K-12) is paid $404,000 a year.

>Click here to see the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal's slideshow of the largest K-12 private schools in the Twin Cities.

>Click here to see which Minnesota colleges (public and private) have the graduates with the biggest paychecks.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Talks over forgiving Greek debt proving difficult (AP)

BRUSSELS ? Private creditors are balking in talks about forgiving euro100 billion ($130 billion) in Greek debts, European officials warned Friday, just as negotiations heat up on the debt restructuring that aims to save Athens from bankruptcy.

European and Greek negotiators were meeting with representatives from banks and investment funds again Friday in Paris, after holding talks earlier this week in Athens.

They are trying to work out the terms under which private creditors are willing to exchange their existing Greek bonds for new ones with a lower face value.

The swap, which was meant to go ahead in early 2012, is supposed to reduce Greece's debt to 120 percent of gross domestic product by 2020. Without a restructuring, Greece's debt load would reach almost 200 percent of GDP by the end of 2012.

The concept behind the debt forgiveness is that getting back half of one's investment is better than the much bigger losses bondholders would likely face if Greece defaults. A deal with private creditors to share the burden of digging Greece out of its financial hole is key to a second, euro130 billion ($169 billion) bailout for Greece from the International Monetary Fund and other eurozone countries.

But some investors had taken out insurance on their Greek bond holdings, and if they voluntarily agree to the swap, they will not receive the insurance payments they would have if Greece had just defaulted. Others, who may have bought the bonds at already depressed prices, may be willing to take a gamble in the negotiations and try for a bigger payout.

"They are not making it easy, to say the least. It will take time," said one European official. "They are trying to reopen things" that were already considered decided, the official added, without providing details.

A second European official confirmed that a final deal on the debt relief was still elusive. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because the talks are going on behind closed doors.

The cautioning words from the two officials came as Greek Finance Minister Venizelos told the Greek parliament he was confident the debt writedown would go ahead.

"I believe we will achieve that because I have positive signs from the consultations and the course of the discussions," Venizelos said Friday. "That would offer the Greek people ... a return for its sacrifices and a prospect for younger generations."

The 17 nations that use the euro and bank representatives reached a deal to reduce Greece's debts in late October after determining that the struggling country would not be able to repay them in full.

However, the Institute for International Finance, which has been leading the negotiations, has insisted that actual losses for investors have to be kept as low as possible for them to agree to participate voluntarily.

To keep overall losses under control, private creditors are pushing for higher interest rates from Greece and expensive collateral to secure the new bonds. That, in turn, could eliminate much of the benefits to Greece of a cut in the bonds' face value. Of the euro130 billion in the second bailout for Greece, euro30 billion ($39.1 billion) is meant to provide collateral for the bond swap.


Nicholas Paphitis in Athens contributed to this story.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Video: Stocks 'Ridiculously' Cheap?

The Dow ended down slightly Friday, with the S&P, Nasdaq notching small gains. Mike Holland, Holland & Company, says stocks are "ridiculously" cheap and Treasuries are in a major bubble.

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Japan set to declare stricken nuclear plant in cold shutdown (Reuters)

TOKYO (Reuters) ? Japan is set to declare on Friday that its tsunami-stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant has reached cold shutdown, passing a key milestone in efforts to bring under control the world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl 25 years ago.

The Fukushima Daiichi plant, 240 km (150 miles) northeast of Tokyo, was wrecked on March 11 by a huge earthquake and a 10-metre-high (33-ft-high) tsunami, which knocked out its cooling systems, triggering meltdowns and radiation leaks.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is expected to announce the accomplishment of one of the government's top goals at a news conference at 0900 GMT, though he may also warn that it will take decades to fully dismantle Fukushima's six reactors.

A cold shutdown is when water used to cool nuclear fuel rods remains below its boiling point, preventing the fuel from reheating. One of the chief aims of the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), had been to bring the reactors to cold shutdown by the year-end.

After months of efforts, the water temperature in all three of the affected reactors fell below boiling point by September, but Tepco has been cautious of declaring a cold shutdown, saying it had to see if temperatures and the amount of radiation emitted from the plant remained stable.

Declaring a cold shutdown will have repercussions well beyond the plant: it is a government pre-condition before it allows about 80,000 residents evacuated from within a 20 km (12 mile) radius of the plant to return home.


Tepco said early in the crisis that it did not plan to entomb the damaged Daiichi reactors in concrete, the option chosen at Ukraine's Chernobyl where reactors caught fire and burned for days. Instead, it favored the gradual removal of the nuclear fuel for storage elsewhere.

The government and Tepco will aim to begin removing the undamaged nuclear rods from Daiichi's spent fuel pools as early as next year. However, retrieval of fuel that melted down in their reactors may not begin for another decade, with the complete dismantling of the plant expected to take up to 40 years, domestic media reported on Thursday.

The enormous cost of the cleanup and compensating the victims of the disaster has drained Tepco financially. The government may inject about $13 billion into the company as early as next summer in a de facto nationalization, sources told Reuters last week.

Japan also faces a massive cleanup task outside the plant if residents are to be allowed to go home. The environment ministry says about 2,400 square km (930 square miles) of land around the plant may need to be decontaminated, an area roughly the size of Luxembourg.

The crisis shook the public's faith in nuclear energy and Japan is now reviewing its earlier plan to raise the proportion of electricity generated from nuclear power to 50 percent by 2030 from 30 percent in 2010.

Japan may not immediately walk away from nuclear power, but few doubt that nuclear power would play a lesser role in future.

Living in fear of radiation is part of life for residents both near and far from the plant. Cases of excessive radiation in vegetables, tea, milk, seafood and water have stoked anxiety despite assurances from public officials that the levels detected are not dangerous.

Chernobyl's experience shows that anxiety is likely to persist for years to come, with residents living near the former Soviet plant still regularly checking local produce for radiation before consuming them 25 years after the disaster.

The announcement may not dramatically improve Noda's support ratings, eroded by his steadfast commitment to a sales tax hike to cope with a public debt burden twice the size of Japan's economy. Noda is also faced with a formidable list of other tasks, such as helping a stagnant economy deal with the yen's rise to historic highs.

(Editing by Tomasz Janowski and Mark Bendeich)


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Football underdog "Rudy" sacked for stock fraud (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Daniel Ruettiger, the legendary Notre Dame football underdog who inspired the 1993 movie "Rudy," couldn't do an end run around the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The SEC on Friday charged Ruettiger and 12 others with running a stock scam associated with Rudy Nutrition - a company Ruettiger founded to try to compete against Gatorade in the sports drink market.

The company sold modest amounts of the sports drink "Rudy" with the tagline "Dream Big! Never Quit!", but the company was primarily a pump-and-dump stock scheme that created more than $11 million in illicit profits, the SEC said.

The SEC said Rudy Nutrition, which is no longer in business, provided false and misleading statements to investors.

For example, the company said that "Rudy outsold Gatorade 2 to 1!" in a major U.S. Southwest test, and boasted that the drink outperformed Gatorade and Powerade by 2 to 1 in a blind taste test, the SEC said. Both claims were false, it said.

Ruettiger agreed to pay $382,866 to settle the case, without admitting or denying the charges.

"Investors were lured into the scheme by Mr. Ruettiger's well-known, feel-good story but found themselves in a situation that did not have a happy ending," SEC enforcement lawyer Scott Friestad said in a statement.

Ruettiger was an undersized walk-on football player for Notre Dame who in 1975 was called off the bench during his last chance to play for Notre Dame at home. In a dramatic turn for the underdog, he recorded a sack, and was carried off the field by his teammates.

An attorney for Ruettiger could not immediately be reached for comment.

The SEC said Ruettiger ran the company with a college friend out of South Bend, Indiana, until October 2007 when Rocky Brandonisio became the company's president and moved the company's operations to Las Vegas.

As the company struggled financially, Ruettiger and Brandonisio recruited Ruettiger's neighbor in Las Vegas, an experienced penny stock promoter, to orchestrate a public distribution of the company stock in late 2007, the SEC said.

The promoter, Stephen DeCesare, identified a shell corporation quoted on the Pink Sheets that Rudy could merge with in order to become a public firm.

The company hired a business consultant who was a disbarred California lawyer, Kevin Quinn, to execute the deal.

It began trading in February 2008 under the ticker symbol


Through false or misleading statements about the company, the team pumped up its stock price from 25 cents to $1.05 per share, the SEC said.

The agency said the scheme ended when the SEC issued a trading suspension against Rudy Nutrition on September 12, 2008, for delinquent regulatory filings.

Lawyers for Brandonisio and DeCesare did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A lawyer for Quinn had no immediate comment.

(Reporting By Aruna Viswanatha; Editing by Karey Wutkowski, Gerald E. McCormick and Richard Chang)


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Stocks higher amid upbeat euro outlook

By news services

Wall Street moved higher Friday as investors were attracted to risk assets, with the euro higher and key euro zone bond yields down.

Reflecting improved investor confidence, benchmark Italian bond yields stabilized below 7 percent and Spanish yields also fell. Still, worries persisted over possible sovereign credit downgrades to the euro zone members.

European shares were slightly lower, but mining stocks rose, tracking metals. Copper prices added nearly 2.3 percent.

The euro rose against the U.S. dollar in a rebound from recent losses.

Stocks continued to be supported by strong U.S. data from Thursday, according to Jim Paulsen, chief investment officer at Wells Capital Management in Minneapolis.

"The reality is this morning, (jobless) claims are still way down, manufacturing sectors had a nice pop and that provides a nice floor to the market," he said.

The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits fell to a 3-1/2-year low last week and factory activity in parts of the Northeast picked up in December, data showed Thursday.

Online gamesmaker Zynga Inc was expected to make a strong debut on the Nasdaq Friday after it priced its initial public offering at $10 per share, the top end of its range.

U.S. consumer prices were flat in November as Americans paid less for cars and gasoline, while the 12-month inflation reading fell for the second straight month, which could give the Federal Reserve more room to help a still-weak economy.

Paulsen said that subdued inflation will be a long-term positive as consumers benefit from contained prices.

"That's one of the reasons you're seeing better consumer (confidence) of late," he said.

Research In Motion Ltd posted a sharp drop in profit on Thursday, offered a dismal outlook for BlackBerry shipments during the holidays and delayed an overhaul of its smartphones. The stock dropped nearly 10 percent to $13.64 in premarket trading.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Britney Spears Is Engaged

Sources tell that the singer's beau proposed on his 40th birthday.
By Jocelyn Vena

Jason Trawick and Britney Spears
Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage

Could it be that Britney Spears is ready to walk down the aisle again?

After a report surfaced on TMZ that the singer's longtime beau and "Criminal" co-star Jason Trawick planned to pop the question Friday night (December 16) in Las Vegas, the singer took to Twitter early Friday and had this mysterious message for her fans.

"OMG. Last night Jason surprised me with the one gift I've been waiting for," she wrote. "Can't wait to show you! SO SO SO excited!!!! Xxo"

A rep for the singer hadn't responded to MTV News' request for comment by press time, but sources confirmed the news to People magazine. TMZ further reports that Jason asked Britney's dad, Jamie, for his daughter's hand before he popped the question. According to reports, Britney already knew about the engagement and the couple will sign a prenuptial agreement.

As for her conservatorship, her conservators have signed off on the couple's plans to marry; a judge will most likely give them the go-ahead to tie the knot.

A source tells that Trawick asked his lady love to marry him on Thursday night while the two were at a romantic dinner celebrating his 40th birthday. The couple will celebrate the engagement at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas on Friday. "This is something they've both wanted for a long time," the source told the site. "It's a way to cement their family. They're both extremely happy and can't wait to become man and wife."

The Neil Lane ring is a four-carat, round-cut diamond with micro pave diamonds around the band, according to E! News. "It's classic, simple and beautiful," a rep for the jewelry company told the site. The rep added that Trawick worked with the designer to design a "dream ring" for his future wife.

While there's no confirmation from Spears' camp just yet about the engagement, Spears did reveal something on Twitter: what she bought Jason for his birthday.

"Hbday Jason! He looked so cool in the video, that I had to get him a new motorcycle," she wrote. "Check out this new Confederate Bike I got him!"

Send congrats to Britney and tell us your thoughts on Facebook!

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Romney in NYC while rivals stay in Iowa, NH (Star Tribune)

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See the smashing new 'Dark Knight' poster

Warner Bros.

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper

Yes, that's Batman's mask lying shattered in the rain, as villain Bane turns his back and arches those mighty shoulders.

Seems to us that the style of this poster fits right in with what fans are looking for in "The Dark Knight Rises," which is due to hit theaters July 20. Creepy and violent and not a little terrifying.

Christian Bale, of course, is back as Batman, with Tom Hardy playing a menacing Bane. Hardy reportedly gained 30 pounds of muscle for the role.

If you just can't wait for more, seek out one of these 42 IMAX theaters for a showing of Tom Cruise's new "Mission: Impossible -- Ghost Protocol," opening Dec. 16. Those theaters will be showing a six-minute preview of "Dark Knight Rises" before Cruise embarks on his latest "Mission."

What do you think? Does "Dark Knight Rises" look promising? Tell us in the comments.

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