Friday, August 31, 2012

Scars ? Not Necessarily There To Stay! | Gnet Health and Fitness

Maybe you suffered bad acne in your troublesome teenage years, or perhaps you underwent minor surgery at some point. You might have been a daredevil or tomboy, having enjoyed all kinds of risky adventures in your youth ? and not always without consequence! In any case, you will probably have noted that life tends to leave its mark, with small (or more sizeable) scars serving to remind us of chapters already lived. Many of us have scars on different areas of the body such as our arms, legs and faces. It?s such a shame when the features we are more proud of, like a cute infectious smile, or big bright sparkly eyes are overshadowed by unsightly facial scars that we feel everyone is staring it.

Sacrificing Our Self-Esteem?

Some people may take scars in their stride, accepting them as signs that they have lived ? it is not uncommon for a man to take pride in a scar ? a sign of his masculinity and virility! But for many people, particularly the fairer sex, scars are nothing but ugly marks knocking our confidence and making us less inclined to show off otherwise beautiful features. Most are resigned to thinking there is nothing they can do, though others have been known to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures.

Whilst there may not be a miracle product that makes scars disappear altogether, ?Revitol Scar Cream? does claim to significantly reduce the appearance of all manner of unsightly scars within just weeks, including:

  1. Acne scars.
  2. Burn scars.
  3. Scars from gashes, cuts and bruises.
  4. Scars caused by surgery.

Regenerate, Renew, Remove?

Revitol Scar Cream reportedly employs an all-natural formula making it safe and easy on your skin. It comprises a blend of ingredients containing proteins and vitamins renowned for their fortifying and regenerative skin properties:

  1. Hydroquinone ? the most important ingredient, it works to lighten the skin, helping remove the dark scars. It removes the tissue that has developed a scar, as well as blemishes, age spots, wrinkles and fine lines that occur with age.
  2. Dimethylaminoethanol ? naturally promotes acetylcholine formation, which prevents skin pigmentation. It plays an important role in the prevention of skin blemishes that occur with age, and has been found to be most effective in maintaining healthy skin.
  3. Retinol ? a compound derived from Vitamin A, it is easily absorbed, penetrating the deepest layers of the skin, providing essential nutrients. It generates elastin and collagen, two vital compounds in maintaining healthy skin. It also helps ensure that skin remains toned, properly textured and coloured, as well as keeping it hydrated.
  4. Copper Peptide ? a compound celebrated for it regenerative and antioxidant properties, it encourages healthy development of skin and promotes elastin and collagen production, helping the skin regenerate after damage.


An impressive amount of positive customer testimonials definitely add credence to Revitol Scar Cream?s ability to diminish the appearance of scars:

Brilliant Product ? A Must Buy!

?Now i have only been using it for about a week, but already i am noticing the difference on my skin. I am 16 and had minor acne which left acne scars, howeverit has worked. So if your 16 with acne scars or even 40 with acne scars get this product!! It actually works :) obviously it doesnt work instantly but i was told/i read i should see a difference within about 2 weeks, as i have already said it is the first week and i am noticing a difference :) brilliant product, it is a must buy!!

? Cameron ? Amazon customer that gave the product a five star rating.

Massive Improvement To Acne Scars ? Highly Recommended!

Best used at night before going to bed, as the cream rubs off under make up. Has made a massive improvement to my acne scars. Delighted. Highly recommended.

? Deb ? another Amazon customer that rated the product five star

It Works ? Just Amazing!

It works! My scars got lighter, all of them. I eventually just used it in my face as well and my freckles got lighter too! Just amazing. I would recommend this to anyone w burnt scars, acne scars, any scars and general skin discoloration.

? Flyby sky ? customer that also rated it with five stars.

Revitol Customer Video Testimonials!


You are recommended to apply the cream twice daily, rubbing a small amount into the affected areas using a circular motion. Allow a few minutes before putting clothes over the area, ensuring that the cream is properly absorbed by the skin. Results should be readily visible within the first few weeks, though with more severe scars it can take up to four months to be completely effective.

Say Sayonara To Scars!

If you?re self-conscious about your scars, but thought there was nothing you could do, then it could well be worth giving such a highly recommended product a try. Instead of trying every which way to cover them up, why not greatly reduce the appearance of unsightly scars ? apparently even those old scars that you were convinced would be there to stay for all the years to come! Put the emphasis back on the features that you actually want people to notice!


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

roofing in Gold Coast, roof ventilation - Cleaning Tips to Maintain ...

Your home roofing needs cleaning to prolong its service life. The roof protects your home from exposure to direct sunlight, rain and snow falls, and other outdoor conditions. The roof ventilation in Gold Coast needs clean metal roofs to keep it functional since the roof can reduce heat absorptions. You need to schedule your cleaning on a non-working day to clean your roof thoroughly.

Cleaning implements

You can choose from different materials for your home roofing in Gold Coast. These materials may have special cleaning requirements so you have to ask your contractor before installation. You need to meet the cleaning requirements of your roofing. For metal roofs, you need to buy a TriSodium Phosphate (TSP) then mix a half cup of it on a gallon of water. You need a bucket to contain this mixed solution. Brushes, brooms, and power washer are also needed. A stable ladder is required to support you on your way up to your roof. A trash bin or sacks are used to contain the loose debris from the roof. Safety support is important to prevent accidental falls. You need to wear a safety belt with a rope attached to strong supports that can sustain you.

Empty roof of debris

Check the roof for any rusty or damaged areas that can cause leaks. If there is none, you can then remove loose dirt and debris using brushes or brooms. You should not let them fall on your gutters to prevent clogging. Throw them on trash bins below or prepare a sack for you to bring on the roof top. The loose debris includes twigs, dead leaves, bugs, dusts, rotten fruits, and other airborne dirt. They must be removed so that you can rinse your roof without clogging the gutters.

Wash and brush roof

You need to rinse your entire metal roof to prepare it for brushing. You can start on top using power washer to remove build-up and more loose dirt. The removed dirt and water will flow down your gutters by rinsing the roof from top to the edges. You can then clean your roof using brushes that are dipped on the mixed solution. Take time to clean every area to remove dirt build ups. Rinse the brushes after cleaning every area to prevent removed dirt from spreading to other areas. You need to rinse the roof thoroughly after brushing and don't leave any suds to dry up. Use the power washer to rinse off dirt and solution from top down to the roof edges. Continue spraying until the entire roof is completely clean. Before going down, check your gutters for debris that can block the water flow. You need to remove them and clean your clogged gutters to keep it working properly. You can then leave your roof to dry under the heat of the sun.

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THE RACE: Bush looming over GOP meeting _ by video

The legacy of former President George W. Bush hovers over the Republican National Convention even though he isn't attending or even mentioned much.

But there are plenty of reminders ? including a video being shown Wednesday night showing both Bush and his father, President George H.W. Bush. Also, the large "debt clock" in the convention hall showing the national debt at over $15.9 trillion and rising.

Mitt Romney, who gives his acceptance speech Thursday night, likes to taunt President Barack Obama for presiding over the biggest rise in the national debt of any U.S. president.

It's up $5.3 trillion so far under Obama. But Bush is a close second, with a $4.9 trillion rise over the eight years he was in office.

Many of the stimulus and bailout programs Republicans like to skewer Obama for actually originated with Bush. And the deep recession that confronted Obama began in December 2007 when Bush was still president.

Bush's former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, was one of Wednesday's featured speakers and his brother, Jeb, speaks Thursday.

But both are there to praise Romney, not Bush.

The most-recent GOP president remains a divisive figure in U.S. politics. And the last thing Romney needs, with the race so close, is more divisiveness.

Not attending or speaking seemed just fine with Bush. He's mostly stayed on the sidelines, endorsing Romney ? but hastily and with few words. He skipped the 2008 GOP convention too, addressing delegates by video.

Romney ducked out of his own convention Wednesday to tell the American Legion Convention in Indianapolis he would fight against threatened "reckless" defense cuts and "get American to work again," before returning to Tampa, Fla., for running-mate Paul Ryan's Wednesday night acceptance speech.

Obama ended a two-day, three-state campaign swing with a rally in Charlottesville, Va.


Follow Tom Raum on Twitter: For more AP political coverage, look for the 2012 Presidential Race in AP Mobile's Big Stories section. Also follow and AP journalists covering the campaign:

With 69 days left until Election Day, here are insights into today's highlights in U.S. politics


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Burning-monk photographer Malcolm Browne dies

NEW YORK (AP) ? The phone calls went out from Saigon's Xa-Loi Buddhist pagoda to chosen members of the foreign news corps. The message: Be at a certain location tomorrow for a "very important" happening.

The next morning, June 11, 1963, an elderly monk named Thich Quang Duc, clad in a brown robe and sandals, assumed the lotus position on a cushion in a blocked-off street intersection. Aides drenched him with aviation fuel, and the monk calmly lit a match and set himself ablaze.

Of the foreign journalists who had been alerted to the shocking political protest against South Vietnam's U.S.-supported government, only one, Malcolm Browne of The Associated Press, showed up.

The photos he took appeared on front pages around the globe and sent shudders all the way to the White House, prompting President John F. Kennedy to order a re-evaluation of his administration's Vietnam policy.

"We have to do something about that regime," Kennedy told Henry Cabot Lodge, who was about to become U.S. ambassador to Saigon.

Browne, who died Monday at a New Hampshire hospital at age 81, recalled in a 1998 interview that that was the beginning of the rebellion, which led to U.S.-backed South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem being overthrown and murdered, along with his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, the national security chief.

"Almost immediately, huge demonstrations began to develop that were no longer limited to just the Buddhist clergy, but began to attract huge numbers of ordinary Saigon residents," Browne said in the interview.

Browne was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2000 and spent his last years using a wheelchair to get around. He was rushed to the hospital Monday night after experiencing difficulty breathing, said his wife, Le Lieu Browne, who lives in Thetford, Vt.

Browne spent most of his journalism career at The New York Times, where he put in 30 years of his four decades as a journalist, much of it in war zones.

By his own account, Browne survived being shot down three times in combat aircraft, was expelled from half a dozen countries and was put on a "death list" in Saigon.

In 1964, Browne, then an AP correspondent, and rival Times journalist David Halberstam both won Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting on the conflict in Vietnam. The war had escalated because of the Nov. 1, 1963, coup d'etat in which Diem was killed.

The plot ? by a cabal of generals acting with tacit U.S. approval ? was triggered in part by earlier Buddhist protests against the pro-Catholic Diem regime. These drew worldwide attention when the monk set himself afire in protest as about 500 people watched.

The burning monk photo became one of the first iconic news photos of the Vietnam War.

"Malcome Browne was a precise and determined journalist who helped set the standard for rigorous reporting in the early days of the Vietnam War," said Kathleen Carroll, AP executive editor and senior vice president. "He was also a genuinely decent and classy man."

Malcolm Wilde Browne was born in New York on April 17, 1931. He graduated from Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania with a degree in chemistry. Working in a lab when drafted in 1956, he was sent to Korea as a tank driver, but by chance got a job writing for a military newspaper, and from that came a decision to trade science for a career in journalism.

He worked first for the Middletown Daily Record in New York, where he worked alongside Hunter S. Thompson, author of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Browne then worked briefly for International News Service and United Press, the forerunner of United Press International, before joining the AP in 1960. A year later, the AP sent him from Baltimore to Saigon to head its expanding bureau.

There, he became a charter member of a small group of reporters covering South Vietnam's U.S.-backed military struggle against the Viet Cong, a home-grown communist insurgency.

Within the year he was joined in Saigon by photographer Horst Faas and reporter Peter Arnett. By 1966, all three members of what a competitor called the AP's "human wave" had earned Pulitzer Prizes ? one of journalism's highest honors ? for Vietnam coverage.

Writing about official corruption and military incompetence, the group ? which also included the Times' Halberstam, Neil Sheehan of UPI, Charles Mohr of Time magazine, Nick Turner of Reuters and others ? were accused by critics in Vietnam and Washington of aiding the communist cause.

At one news briefing, Browne's persistent questions prompted an exasperated U.S. officer to ask, "Browne, why don't you get on the team?"

Browne, like some of his peers, initially saw the U.S. commitment to helping the beleaguered Saigon government as a reasonable idea.

In his 1993 memoir, "Muddy Boots and Red Socks," Browne said he "did not go to Vietnam harboring any opposition to America's role in the Vietnamese civil war" but became disillusioned by the Kennedy administration's secretive "shadow war" concealing the extent of U.S. involvement.

Amid the furor over tendentious coverage, some reporters claimed to have received death threats, and Browne said his name was among those on a list of "supposed enemies of (South Vietnam) who had to be eliminated."

In the 1998 interview, he said that he "never took that seriously" but that when South Vietnam government agents tried to arrest his wife, who had angered officials by quitting her information ministry job, Browne stared them down by standing in his doorway brandishing a souvenir submachine gun.

Tall, lanky and blond, Browne was a cerebral and eccentric character with a penchant for red socks ? they were easy to match, he explained ? and an acerbic wit befitting his grandfather's cousin, Oscar Wilde.

He ridiculed the word "media," for example, as "that dreadful Latin plural our detractors use when they really mean "scum."

Overall, associates saw him as complex, rather mysterious, and above all, independent.

"Mal Browne was a loner; he worked alone, did not share his sources and didn't often mix socially with the press group," recalled Faas, who died in 2012. "And stubborn ? he wouldn't compromise on a story just to please his editors or anyone else."

Browne wrote a 1965 book, "The New Face of War," and a manual for new reporters in Vietnam. Among its kernels of advice: Have a sturdy pair of boots, watch out for police spies who eavesdrop on reporters' bar conversations, and "if you're crawling through grass with the troops and you hear gunfire, don't stick your head up to see where it's coming from, as you will be the next target."

South Vietnamese officials censored early news reports but to mixed effects. At least once, Browne sent a story to the AP by surreptitiously taping a handwritten note over an innocuous photo being transmitted to Tokyo.

By 1965, impressed by how television appeared to be dominating the public discourse, the reporter who had never owned a TV set left the AP to join ABC News in Vietnam.

Browne quit ABC after a year over management questions.

After a venture into magazine writing, Browne joined The New York Times in 1968. He worked in Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia, left again to edit a science magazine, and returned to the Times in 1985, mainly as a science writer. He also covered the 1991 Gulf War, again clashing with U.S. officials over censorship issues.

In addition to his wife, survivors include a son, Timothy; a daughter, Wendy, from a previous marriage; a brother, Timothy; and a sister, Miriam.

Browne will be buried on the family's property in Vermont, his widow said.


Former Associated Press writer Richard Pyle contributed to this report.


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Rowso's Article Database ? An Introduction to Nutritional Supplements

From the beginning of time herbs and plant based remedies have been the pillar of life on Earth. Long before doctors or modern-day medicine, there has been sickness and diseases, and yet life goes on.
There are three vital ingredients to life in the world, air , water, and food. The better the standard of these things, the higher the quality of being. All life in the world is dependent these three innate components.
For the vast majority of living creatures, be they plant, animal or man, wellbeing depends on the availability of breathable air, usable water, and ecological food and nutrition.
Customarily both humans and the animal world, have made use of herbs and botanicals to heal their diseases, even totally carnivorous animals occasionally complement their normal diets by ingesting grass or other herbal plants.
Around the globe, there are folk treatments for a wide range of illnesses, from chicken soup for the common cold, to Horny Goat Weed for sexual problems, and St. John?s Wort for depression.
Herbs and botanicals have been ?a Natural Drug store ? for centuries.
To a large extent, our health and well-being, are affected by our nutrition, surroundings and lifestyle.
We tend to take these things without any consideration, perhaps because theree is very little that we can do as people to change our immediate circumstances.
Fortunately, as humans, existing in a modern-day world, we have more solutions than ever in the way we want to live our life.
And yet, our environment, diet and lifestyle, coupled with hereditary influences, often wreak havoc on our ability to live really happy healthy lives.
The demands of work, the quick pace of life, and the often poor quality of supermarket and restaurant ?food?, often have a detrimental toll on our fundamental health and well being.
Modern man suffers from a wide range of lifestyle related health problems, and conditions that often lead to steep medical bills, expensive invasive treatments and surgery, and a poor quality of life.
Herbal supplements, while not being a cure all for major illnesses , can greatly enhance our lives, and add nutritional support for our often poor diets, and stress related problems.
Practically all doctors and health care professionals agree that most major maladies are the result of poor diet, stress and reckless lifestyle choices. and while modern-day medicine has come a long way over the years, many synthetic prescription drugs, have dangerous side effects, and may even trigger other illnesses or problems, that make these prescription drugs highly questionable as being truly life supporting.
Herbal healthcare supplements, are not drugs, they?re drug free plant or food based items. rather than being harsh chemically manufactured drugs, they generally provide safer non toxic solutions for many common problems, and when used responsibly, can really help, prevent and cure many long term debilitating sicknesses.
Since ancient times, humanity has always trusted and relied on herbs and other plants for the treatment and cure of countless serious illnesses, and even today in countries with large populations, like China and India, even medical doctors, will usually prescribe herbal supplements to cure disease, before they prescribe chemically, manufactured prescription drugs or surgery. Interestingly in these cultures that rely and trust in herbal solutions, rather than prescription drugs and surgery, people on average tend to live longer healthier and happier lives than, people who live in developed countries with the most advanced surgical techniques, sophisticated diagnostic machines, and a strong reliance on prescription drugs for medication.
In days of old the use of herbs as treatments or cures for serious illness, usually relied on the knowledge of elders, priests, shamans , witch doctors, or magicians.
Luckily today through analysis and the sharing of information, it is easy to research and find herbal supplements, prepared by experts in the field of herbal medicine, who?ve made it easy to find and access quality herbal products in scientifically prepared dosages for optimum results.
While it is not wise to try and treat serious or chronic illnesses with herbal dietary supplements, without consulting a medical practitioner, it is perfectly safe to try them as therapeutic dietary supplements to ,enhance general health, fitness and well being.
There are many organic health supplements available without prescription, which are helpful for many common complaints. from weight loss issues to sexual dysfunction, many easy, inexpensive options are available at quality herbal supply stores.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are You Wanting to Participate a Home-Based-Business On the web ...

Hello reader, my report is going to be about home-based-business. If you are trying to start or join the best home-based-business, or make supplemental income online, then I might have good possibilities for you to take into account beginning or joining an online home-based-business. In this article, I will briefly address Internet Income University, Chris Farrell Membership program, Unstoppable Affiliate program, Cashcrate, SendEarnings, and ProjectPayday.In the Internet Income University business, the co-founder, Kevin Blue, will walk you through the whole course on starting out on this business, called the F.A.S.T. Income Approach. Allow me to describe what the F.A.S.T. Revenue Plan is about. In step one, [F]ast website startup, your own PROFESSIONAL-LIKE website is got by you installed at NO COST! The ONLY REAL things you?ve to pay for is hosting your site with a hosting service (you?ve to select Secure Online Hosting as your web hosting service for this to function), for a low priced monthly fee, and for an annual hosting fee (less than $10.00, but for the very first year of hosting, it is free, thanks to Kevin?s discount code). In the next phase, [A]ffiliate income stream, you get your internet site startup to generate cash from integrated income streams (programs you opted, that have the option of referring visitors to the program for economic gain for each refferal). You?re presented a listing of recommended income streams to enhance your website, but besides the Internet Income University income stream, the income streams are optional. At this time, the rest of the F.A.S.T. Revenue Plan becomes optional. You can now begin selling your website using social internet sites, writing articles centered on your website, and blogging, but to obtain additional support, continue steadily to the third step. In the third step, [S]calable marketing, Kevin?s staff of cause generators with help get your website positioned quicker in the se, using the IIU SEO INFINITY program, for a monthly fee (the cost is clear due to the level of work that goes into promoting your website, but when you can afford it, then get for it). In the next and final step, [T]raining and assistance, you may get support from other effective or knowledgeable IIU (Internet Income University) people from the IIU community (it?s absolve to sign up). That?s it for the F.A.S.T. Income Plan, but that?s not all you can do at IIU; you can view free training videos on marketing your site. In my opinion, this really is among the best home-based-business you could join since you get a free PROFESSIONAL-like created website (at the expense of paying monthly costs), that the only process you must focus on doing is promoting your website, while everything else just about cared for, and as a reward, you?ve the choice of using the IIU SEO INFINITY program to greatly help gain results in your website on auto-pilot.In the Chris Farrell Membership program, guests will get information on starting a home-based-business on a step-by-step plan. On the website, there are certainly a LARGE amount of information about starting your Web business and making online income, including promotional methods for your website. As a reward for looking into the website, the website ?s creator, Chris, offers a free 26-course movie to guests who are seriously interested in building a constant income online. The 26-video course covers a step-by-step method of getting the Internet Business up and operating in a matter of hours. Remember, this system is among the most fundamental ideas of creating money on the web, but your success in a Web business is dependent upon your efforts and determination. Joe himself can tell you how simple it is to get going. In my opinion, presenting free videos about establishing a web business WITHOUT becoming a member is a superb value to prospective customers, BUT to entry ALL information and the huge benefits joining the Chris Farrell Membership program, you must become a full-time member.In the Unstoppable Affiliate program, Andrew, the program?s founder, will address topics which range from exploring worthwhile markets (products) to marketing them on your site. This system will even give you a detailed video program on how exactly to optimize your site based on your market to increase your earnings. If you desire to just focus on affiliate marketing (marketing marketers from others for gains), then this product might be for you to take into account joining.Now, I?ll give my brief reviews on Internet applications on which you could make supplemental income online.SendEarnings: On the SendEarnings website, you?ve several ways of earning simple cash on their website. You?ll get paid to take surveys, complete business presents, play entertaining activities, complete simple tasks (ex: addressing a couple of questions about a site, exploring up a certain period, etc.), redeem your market deals presented on SendEarnings, and for referring your pals or clients for this system. You?ll also be able to get money straight back from well-known online retailers. As a bonus for enrolling, you?ll get credited $5.00 to your SendEarnings account.CashCrate: This program is really a little just like the SendEarnings program with less options to select from, but more money can be earned by you performing studies and offers than SendEarnings, though. Unlike SendEarnings, CashCreate is strong on the referral system, meaning for each account amount you accomplish, your payment per referral increases by a percentage.ProjectPayday( For US citizens only ): Once you get your account setup and triggered, you can then decide to try the ?Fast-First Fifty? manual with Kelly to get started immediately. In addition, you get PAID $50 only for finishing the Fast-First Fifty manual! Only make sure to follow the directions WATCHFULLY and then you can get settled, it?s that easy. Basically, the most common way to earn money would be to ?go green? both by checking out company products and services, or by dealing ?greens? with other ProjectPayday( PP) customers in forums. This is a great way to earn more income on line (enough to fund charges, everyday common goods, etc). As far as PP?s referral plan goes, you earn a fee of $1.00 ($2.00 if you?re a VIP member) for every single referral that induce a merchant account from your own PP referral link.This is pretty much most of my evaluations on home-based-business or creating extra cash online, but I really hope to update my evaluation list in the foreseeable future, though. I discussed in my article above, simply click the web link to my web site below on some of the applications if you want additional information. Please help my website by signing up for the applications on my website. Thank you for taking your own time to learn my article!

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The many advantages of a stress relieving massage chair can relax ...

Do you find yourself feeling tired or weary after stressful and long days of work? This can be turning into a very common ailment for people with busy, modern day lifestyles. In thousands of years ago, massages originated as a preferred approach to relieve stress and also encourage other positive health and fitness benefits. Unfortunately, massages have recently escaped from widespread usage simply because they?re tough to administrate and receive. However, therefore to their replacement has come the massage chair, a different technology which allows somebody to profit by massages. These chairs handle mechanical gears and moving parts that approximate the motions that could be performed inside of a real massage.

There are numerous ways in which you will get a chance to start using a massage chair, and if you have this type of opportunity, our recommendation is that you make use of it. Firstly, in public places you could possibly often stumble upon a massage chair you can use. Usually, though not always, these would ask you to pay a small fee for usage, but such a fee is not likely more than a few coins. The advantage to these chairs is that you may relax with a massage without spending time traveling to a dedicated venue.

Another way which can be used a massage chair is actually purchasing your very own. To start with, this path was quite unreasonable as the early chairs were bulky and expensive. However, now production and manufacturing of your chairs is becoming far better and less costly, and you are therefore capable of order your very own massage chair at a perfectly reasonable price. This choice is among the most beneficial. You?ll be able to have fun with the main advantages of a massage whenever you want to, inside the complete privacy and comfort of your family home. For example, you can relax in great comfort while watching television, reading, or working on your computer.

The invention of the massage chair has certainly provided a brand new strategy to get the many enhancements that massages provide to the health. Should you have never tried using one, you happen to be losing a great experience. When you are interested in buying one of your own, you ought to be able to find shops that let you try them out first, or even rent them, so you can make the best decision.

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Protein found to regulate red blood cell size and number

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? The adult human circulatory system contains between 20 and 30 trillion red blood cells (RBCs), the precise size and number of which can vary from person to person. Some people may have fewer, but larger RBCs, while others may have a larger number of smaller RBCs. Although these differences in size and number may seem inconsequential, they raise an important question: Just what controls these characteristics of RBCs?

This question is particularly relevant for the roughly one-quarter of the population that suffers from anemia, which is often caused by flawed RBC production. A better understanding of how RBC production is controlled may offer greater insight into the development and potential treatment of anemia.

By analyzing the results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in conjunction with experiments on mouse and human red blood cells, researchers in the lab of Whitehead Institute Founding Member Harvey Lodish have identified the protein cyclin D3 as regulating the number of cell divisions RBC progenitors undergo, which ultimately affects the resulting size and quantity of RBCs. Their findings are reported in the September 14 issue of Genes and Development.

"This is one of the rare cases where we can explain a normal human-to-human variation," says Lodish, who is also a professor of biology and bioengineering at MIT. "In a sense, it's a window on human evolution. Why this should have happened, we have no idea, but it does."

Lodish likens cyclin D3's role in RBCs to that of a clock. In some people, the clock triggers RBC progenitors to mature after four rounds of cell division, resulting in fewer but larger RBCs. In others it goes off after five cell division cycles, which leads to production of a greater number of smaller RBCs. In both cases, the blood usually has the same ability to carry oxygen to distant tissues.

The initial hint of cyclin D3's importance came from GWAS, genetic surveys of large numbers of people with or without a particular trait. Researchers compare the groups in an attempt to identify genetic variations.

"The problem with most GWAS is that you get a bunch of potentially interesting genes, but that doesn't tell you anything about the functional biology, so you really have to figure it out," says Leif Ludwig, a Lodish graduate student and co-author of the Genes and Development paper. "You only know something has a role, but you don't know how it can cause variation. This work on cyclin D3 is a really nice example of how functional follow-up on a GWAS association can really teach us something about underlying biology."

In the case of RBC size and number, a mutation affecting cyclin D3 production bubbled to the surface from the GWAS's murky genetic data. Ludwig and co-author Vijay Sankaran then confirmed that reduced or inhibited cyclin D3 expression in mice and in human RBC progenitors caused those cells to halt cell division and mature earlier, producing larger and fewer red blood cells than mice and cells with uninhibited cyclin D3 production.

As one of only a handful of studies that have successfully used GWAS to produce definitive biological results, Sankaran is excited that this work confirms the value of such genetic studies.

"Can genetics teach us about biology?" asks Sankaran, also a postdoctoral researcher in the Lodish lab. "Yes! This work tells us that as genetic studies identify new genes, there will probably have been a lot of things biologists may have ignored. Genetics allows you to shine a spotlight on something interesting and then home in on it see what can be learned."

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, and Amgen, Inc.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. The original article was written by Nicole Giese Rura.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Vijay G. Sankaran et al. Cyclin D3 coordinates the cell cycle during differentiation to regulate erythrocyte size and number. Genes and Development, August 28, 2012

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Health and Fitness Guide: Hemorrhoids Tips - Which Foods to Avoid

More and more people suffering from hemorrhoids. You do not have to suffer for a long time, if you make some changes in the foods you eat. It is important that you be very careful what you eat in order to not feel the pain you feel worse. It's just a matter of discipline in your food intake and meal planning well. Experts say it is highly recommended that you plan your own meals, to see what you are eating.

What You Need to Know

Hemorrhoids occur when you are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and rectum are. It is the result of pressure or straining during bowel movements. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching, bleeding and discomfort. You can relieve you of all the characters, if you're going to change some of your habits and improve your lifestyle you are. Simple treatments at home without the need to be carried out spending too much. A key is to control to avoid certain foods and reduce your hemorrhoids.

Refined grains

Foods low in fiber lead to hemorrhoids. Fiber is one of the factors that increase your stool soft and the amount in your chair. Fiber helps you the pain of defecation that. Development and aggravation of hemorrhoids signs Foods low in fiber of the clay have been reduced. Refined grains are at the top of the list. These are white rice, white bread and commercially produced goods such as pies, cakes and cookies. Most health experts advise eating high-fiber cereals, especially if you are already under hemorrhoids. Include the following in your meal, brown rice, whole wheat bread and oatmeal. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber.

Alcoholic beverages

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you can not drink adequate amounts of fluids. The lack of sufficient fluid in the body can lead to hemorrhoids. It is strongly recommended that you avoid alcohol to prevent your hemorrhoids worse. Please note that alcohol helps dehydrate you. If you are dehydrated, you will have a difficult time passing stools. It will make you uncomfortable. They increase the pressure in the lower rectum contributes greatly to intensify hemorrhoids. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day. Make it a habit to encourage, to bring you a glass of water to drink more water.

Also avoid foods that enter and partially digested in the large intestine as red pepper, mustard and nuts. Stay away from consumption to low-fiber foods such as dairy products, fish, eggs, meat and poultry. These foods cause bleeding hemorrhoids and shake your sensitive area.

Remember that you control yourself by eating foods low in fiber. You will find that if you limit your consumption of foods low in fiber, is to improve your chair ....


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Planning ahead: Consumers prefer fewer options when thinking about the future

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? Consumers generally prefer having more options when choosing among products but not when making choices involving the distant future, according to a study from Washington University in St. Louis.

"The lure of assortment may not be as universal as previously thought. Consumers' preferences for large assortments can decrease due to a key psychological factor -- psychological distance," write authors Joseph K. Goodman, PhD, and Selin A. Malkoc, PhD, both assistant professors of marketing at Olin Business School.

Retailers have known for decades that consumers prefer large selections and are lured by more options and greater variety. For example, when planning a family outing to an ice cream shop this coming weekend, a consumer would most likely choose the local shop offering 33 flavors over another in the neighborhood offering fewer options.

How universal is this demand for more choice? Are there instances when smaller selections are acceptable or even desirable? The authors find that consumer preference for larger selections decreased for psychologically distant decisions, such as when consumers have to make decisions that are six months away or while on vacation across the country.

They show this change in preference for an array of products and services, namely restaurants, ice cream shops, chocolatiers, home appliances and vacation packages.

"Psychological distance is common concern when consumers are making decisions related to the future such as a vacation, insurance or retirement planning," Malkoc says.

"In such instances, consumers tend to focus on the end goal and less about how to get there and this leads to predictable changes in consumer behavior," she says.

"I'm constantly amazed by the massive amount of choice we have in the marketplace, and it just keeps expanding, making it even more difficult for consumers to make a choice," Goodman says. "I'm very excited about finding instances when consumers might not want so much choice, and can thus avoid some of the difficulty of choosing."

When planning a vacation that is months away, a consumer would probably prefer to hear about fewer dining options in the city they will be visiting than if their vacation was coming up in less than a week.

"In product categories where psychological distance is automatically evoked, it might not be necessary for retailers to offer a large and overwhelming number of options," the authors conclude. "Consumers may even be attracted to those sellers offering a smaller and simpler assortment of options."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University in St. Louis. The original article was written by Neil Schoenherr.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joseph K. Goodman and Selin A. Malkoc. Choosing Here and Now versus There and Later: The Moderating Role of Psychological Distance on Assortment Size Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 2012 (in press) DOI: 10.1086/665047

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Coping with Angry People - The Self Improvement Blog

By Timothy Dey -

I often work as a professional coach to executives, physicians, lawyers and others. One of the issues that frequently comes up in coaching is how best to cope with angry bosses, coworkers,or clients who suddenly or repeatedly appear. Skill in dealing with such people is no small matter ? depending on our skillfulness,encountering and angry person can be a minor bump in the road or can upset us for the rest of the day. If we lose our balance, not only is it much less pleasant to be inside our own skins, but our effectiveness at completing tasks and communicating with others can be substantially diminished. The good news is that there are a few easily remembered steps that anyone can make use of with a little practice and powerful results.

When beginning to deal with an angry person,the first step is always to listen. This is done with eye contact, but very few words, until the initial wave of angry energy pauses for the first time. During that interval, listen for the factual content of what that person thinks is their concern, while letting the emotional content wash by without ?hooking? you. Don?t put much effort into sharing information at this point. The person who is very angry is not in a state where they can absorb much of anything you have to say, even if they would benefit from hearing it. They may often misinterpret your quick verbal response or problem-solving as a way of getting rid of them and their needs.

A great metaphor to hold in mind as you listen during this first

step is that of a great ocean wave crashing over you as you stand in the surf, or perhaps a volcano erupting with hot rock and ash. There is no point in trying to shout over the noise until the initial outburst is complete, or become upset that this event is

all about you, even if the angry person would have you believe that at the time.

When the pause in their verbal torrent finally comes, briefly mirror the factual content with the goal of letting the other person know that you?ve heard the core of their complaint accurately. This can sound something like: ?So if I heard you correctly, you?re saying ??or ?What I hear you saying is this ??, but you should always use your own judgment in choosing language that sounds natural to each situation. Even better, the mirroring statement can be preceded by first asking permission to confirm

you heard, and/or a finishing question asking if your understanding is accurate. This might sound something like: ?Can I make sure I heard you correctly?? Rest assured

that the answer to this question will always be ?yes?. This person wants to be heard! Understand that you are teaching two concepts to the angry person at this point: that you have heard the essence of their statement, and that you have not moved into anger yourself. You have remained sane in the presence of their unbalanced state, and are not becoming their enemy.

There is magic built into what you have just accomplished in justa minute or so of time and a few simple words. You have managed to share with someone who is feeling attacked and vulnerable (and who is barely able to listen to anyone) that not

only are you not angry in response to their anger, but that you have actually understood what they are upset about accurately.

Furthermore, if you asked and were given permission to make a mirroring statement to prove you heard them correctly,

you have already made and kept a successful contract with them, giving you credibility in their mind. You now established a relationship that has value to the person that is angry. Very likely they have aired their grievances with individuals

before you who did not listen well or became angry in return, and who did their best to pass the buck of dealing with the angry person. With just this first step, you are shifting the mental image the angry person holds of you from being the enemy like all

the rest to a becoming an ally in getting their needs met. There is still work to do, but in one move you have done the biggest part of defusing the interaction.

Timothy Dey, M.D. is a speaker and educator who makes a unique combination of educational assets and life experiences available to people through his coaching, consulting, teaching, writing, and workshops. He is a graduate of the Wayne State University School of Medicine, a certified comprehensive coach, and adjunct professor in multiple fields. He creates courses and teaches for online colleges in the areas of leadership, communication, corporate culture, and stress-management skills, as well as pharmacology and other health-related topics.

Dr. Dey works extensively with hospital systems, residency programs, attending physicians, and executives seeking expert guidance in interpersonal communication skills, physician-patient relationships, and executive goal-oriented coaching. As co-founder of The Dey Group, Inc., he is available through his website, e-mail at or by phone at 313-383-0582, and welcomes all contacts.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ex-South Carolina governor to marry former mistress

Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford said on Sunday that he is engaged to marry his Argentine girlfriend, Maria Belen Chapur.

"Yes, it's true and I stand by my statement," Sanford told Reuters by telephone.

He referred to a statement given to CNN in which he said, "Yes, we are engaged, and I'm both happy and excited for what that means. I have long expressed my feelings for her; she's a wonderful person. My closest friends have met and love her, and I look forward to introducing her to still many more that have yet to do so."

In the summer of 2009, then-Governor Sanford disappeared from his office for a week on a trip to Argentina to visit Chapur. Aides said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. When Sanford returned, he gave a tearful, State House press conference admitting he had been unfaithful to his wife Jenny Sanford and calling Chapur his "soul mate."

He served out the rest of his term until January 2011.

Mark and Jenny Sanford were divorced in 2010.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:


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Open a Soda or Beer Bottle with a Stapler [Clever Uses]

Open a Soda or Beer Bottle with a StaplerIf you have the occasional beer (or Mexican Coca-Cola) at work and don't have a bottle opener handy you can you your trusty stapler. Instructables user ivan_stephens notes that the steel carrier on a standard desktop stapler has a notch that works well as a bottle opener.

Note that the Instructables author mentioned that this tip works specifically for his Swingline stapler. I have a Swingline myself so I can't say with certainty if this method works with other brands of stapler.

When not opening beer you can also use your stapler to temporarily pin documents instead of merely stapling them together.

Opening a Coke or Beer with a standard Swingline stapler | Instructables


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

ISRAEL21C: Israeli company leads the hand-drying revolution #Israel

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Is your Workplace Protected |

It really is estimated that more than 40 million workers inside the United states of america had to obtain emergency medical treatment for workplace-related injuries in the year 2003. This can be a staggering number when 1 considers the efforts most organizations have put into sustaining a safe workplace. In contemporary instances, several organizations have already been identified liable for injuries sustained in their areas of business. There?s a relationship that exists between workplace safety and profitability.

Every business, particularly these involved in industrial manufacturing, is constantly looking at methods to continuously boost their goods and processes. They comprehend that their profits are straight related towards the methods and means by which they generate their merchandise. However, as well a lot of organizations get caught up in drive for greater income and have a tendency to enable workplace safety to turn out to be an afterthought.

The charges linked with operating a sizable manufacturing facility in America are astounding. Workplace injuries spot a massive burden of expense and weakened productivity on an organization. These injuries may be reduced with appropriate arranging and careful interest to detail. Most workplace injuries are preventable. You can find a number of elements to think about, but keeping a protected and tidy function place is among the very best approaches to stop injury. Workers, as well, possess a responsibility in maintaining themselves safe from harm.

Workplace injuries spot an important burden on wellness care providers and insurance companies. As organizations continue to spend greater premiums for employee health care, one of the only indicates offered for cost recovery would be to increase the costs with the goods they generate. This places the burden of expense on the consumer, and makes it possible for businesses to ignore the root trigger of their workplace injuries. The concentrate here seems to be on maintaining a healthy relationship with shareholders, and not necessarily on keeping a healthful workforce.

It truly is intriguing to note that you can find record numbers of jobs, specially in the industrial sector, being sent overseas. There are a number of causes to account for this. Just about the most considerable factors is that American companies are in a position to shave their operating costs down to a fraction of their domestic costs, by capitalizing on less expensive labor in foreign markets. Foreign governments, eager for investment, are all also willing to accommodate the interests of large western organization. Far as well frequently, this comes at the expense of workplace safety.

If organizations want to be lucrative in the long-term, they need to reexamine their method to workplace safety and the health of their workers. Many businesses are sending jobs overseas, in order to benefit from inexpensive labor and relaxed labor laws. American businesses could be each lucrative and safety conscious. Through directed education campaigns and preemptive preparing, workplace injuries may be decreased within a significant way. Remember: a secure worker is actually a pleased worker, along with a satisfied worker can be a productive worker.

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Tips For Hikers | Travel and Leisure Blog

There isn?t any greater way of getting in touch with nature than the usual going on a hike. hiking is an excellent method to relax, and relish the world around you. Here are a few climbing strategies for girls seeking to see a a bit more nature.

If you are first time hikers, you are able to join a group or club. That would be a fantastic way to get some of the understanding and training.

Not only should a first aid kit maintain your car, it truly should also be in your walking gear. Simple supplies such as bandages, wound ointment, gauze, alcohol pads and tape can be quite useful. These kinds of items are extremely light and don?t occupy much room. Two good inclusions in this primary aid kit will be a few power bars along with a bottle of water. A unique waterproof container of your medicines would be also a good idea. recall to alter these things frequently so that they do not expire. Hygiene products for ladies and a container to place them in are very important as well. There will not necessarily any bathrooms on the way, and wet wipes may perhaps become your only option.

Water and food are extremely important when hiking. Carry more than you think you?ll need. Nuts are light pounds, and don?t occupy much room. Water is important, so bring a whole lot.

Tell your friends where you?re going, and exactly how long you?ll be gone. In an emergency there?s a far better possibility of being observed in the event the authorities know the place to start looking. Have an crisis cell phone in the event you need it. A compass is a vital tool when hiking. Be sure you understand how to use one before you decide to hit the actual trails.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Vietnamese bank faces run after tycoon's arrest

HANOI (Reuters) - A major Vietnamese bank founded by arrested tycoon Nguyen Duc Kien faced a run on deposits on Thursday, witnesses said, but the central bank has injected funds into the banking system and assured jittery residents their money is safe.

Monday's arrest of Kien, 48, sent shockwaves through the Communist-run country, triggering a 9.2 percent slide in the stock market this week and causing depositors to pull funds from Asia Commercial Bank (ACB), one of Vietnam's biggest lenders, which Kien helped found in 1994.

Withdrawals began on Tuesday when the arrest was made public. By Thursday, crowds had formed at ACB's branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's business centre, residents said. At one branch, depositors shoved tables aside to try to reach bank tellers, a witness said.

The central bank said the entire banking sector "will commit to standing ready to provide, funding support to ACB to ensure it meets its obligations for repaying deposits".

It pumped 13 trillion dong ($624 million) into the banking system on Wednesday and another 4 trillion on Thursday.

Outside ACB's headquarters, two dozen cars lined up and about 70 depositors crowded the transaction office, a witness said, as confidence dwindled in the financial system of what a few years ago was one of world's hottest emerging markets.

"I have some cash in ACB but since the bank belongs to the same system controlled by the central bank, it does not mean much to withdraw cash from one bank to put it in another, as all in the system face the same risk," one ACB depositor said in a telephone interview from Ho Chi Minh City.

The bank's chief executive officer, Ly Xuan Hai, widely believed to be detained by police, had submitted his resignation, ACB said late on Thursday.

He was replaced by Deputy Chief Executive Officer Do Minh Toan, who has been running the bank this week and told state media earlier that depositors took out 5 trillion dong ($240 million) from ACB on Wednesday. As of June 30, the bank's deposits totalled 145.62 trillion dong ($7 billion), up 2.4 percent from a year earlier, according to the bank.

Kien, a well-connected tycoon and one of Vietnam's highest-profile bankers, held less than 5 percent of ACB's stock. The government said he played no part in managing the bank, which is 15 percent owned by British bank Standard Chartered Plc .

Kien is chairman of B&B Investment and Trade Joint Stock Co, ACB Hanoi Investment Joint Stock Co and Asia Hanoi Financial Investment Co, and the alleged violations concerned these firms, the police ministry said.

He was accused of running unlicensed businesses. His three companies were established to invest in real-estate projects while they raised funds and invested the proceeds in bank shares instead, state media said.


Economists were already worried about the fragility of Vietnam's banking system and some Vietnamese have quickly turned to the traditional safe haven of gold: bankers said demand had jumped from Monday, pushing up the retail price by about 5 percent.

The dong has fallen 0.3 percent since Monday against the dollar.

The main stock market has slid for three consecutive days, trading at a six-month low on Thursday when it lost 4.5 percent. On Tuesday, it posted its biggest daily loss since October 2008. ACB's stock price has slumped 18.6 percent this week, losing 6.7 percent on Thursday. The bank is valued at about $1 billion.

But some experts doubted the panic would spread.

"I wouldn't think we are going to see a lot of contagion," said Jonathan Pincus, dean of the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City and a former Vietnam economic specialist at the United Nations.

"The State Bank acted quickly and provided liquidity immediately," he added.

The banking sector has been hit by high inflation and rising bad debt stemming from losses at big state firms in particular. At the end of March, 8.6 percent of all loans in Vietnam were bad, the highest in Southeast Asia, central bank data showed.

Pincus and other experts said ACB should weather the crisis but that plenty of other Vietnamese banks remain in difficulty.

"The immediate problems are for those banks that are heavily overextended in the property market and which are owned by one or two families or groups. Those banks, of which there are many, are very vulnerable. But ACB is not one of those," said Pincus.

Bankers said ACB and several small banks had been borrowing short-term funds on the interbank market to ensure liquidity. The fixing on overnight dong loans eased to 7.14 percent on Thursday after surging to 7.5 percent the previous day from 4 percent at the start of the week, Reuters data showed.

Deputy CEO Toan was quoted in state media as saying the volume of cash withdrawn from ACB was higher on Wednesday than Tuesday. Toan, who is in charge of the bank in the absence of the CEO, said ACB could access up to 46 trillion dong ($2.2 billion) if needed.

It had borrowed 10 trillion dong from the central bank on August 21-22 and could also gradually withdraw 36 trillion dong from the interbank market, Toan said. That is about a third of the total weekly transactions on the interbank dong market of between 110 trillion and 130 trillion dong over the past month.

Kien's family is ranked fifth among Vietnam's 30 richest families in terms of stock market holdings, based on a list compiled by online news website VNExpress. He is also deputy chairman of the Vietnam Professional Football Joint Stock Co, which runs Vietnam's top-tier professional football league.

(Additional reporting by Ngo Thi Ngoc Chau in Hanoi, and Jason Szep and Khettiya Jittapong in Bangkok; Writing by Jason Szep; Editing by Alan Raybould and Alex Richardson)


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