Monday, August 27, 2012

Health and Fitness Guide: Hemorrhoids Tips - Which Foods to Avoid

More and more people suffering from hemorrhoids. You do not have to suffer for a long time, if you make some changes in the foods you eat. It is important that you be very careful what you eat in order to not feel the pain you feel worse. It's just a matter of discipline in your food intake and meal planning well. Experts say it is highly recommended that you plan your own meals, to see what you are eating.

What You Need to Know

Hemorrhoids occur when you are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and rectum are. It is the result of pressure or straining during bowel movements. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching, bleeding and discomfort. You can relieve you of all the characters, if you're going to change some of your habits and improve your lifestyle you are. Simple treatments at home without the need to be carried out spending too much. A key is to control to avoid certain foods and reduce your hemorrhoids.

Refined grains

Foods low in fiber lead to hemorrhoids. Fiber is one of the factors that increase your stool soft and the amount in your chair. Fiber helps you the pain of defecation that. Development and aggravation of hemorrhoids signs Foods low in fiber of the clay have been reduced. Refined grains are at the top of the list. These are white rice, white bread and commercially produced goods such as pies, cakes and cookies. Most health experts advise eating high-fiber cereals, especially if you are already under hemorrhoids. Include the following in your meal, brown rice, whole wheat bread and oatmeal. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber.

Alcoholic beverages

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you can not drink adequate amounts of fluids. The lack of sufficient fluid in the body can lead to hemorrhoids. It is strongly recommended that you avoid alcohol to prevent your hemorrhoids worse. Please note that alcohol helps dehydrate you. If you are dehydrated, you will have a difficult time passing stools. It will make you uncomfortable. They increase the pressure in the lower rectum contributes greatly to intensify hemorrhoids. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day. Make it a habit to encourage, to bring you a glass of water to drink more water.

Also avoid foods that enter and partially digested in the large intestine as red pepper, mustard and nuts. Stay away from consumption to low-fiber foods such as dairy products, fish, eggs, meat and poultry. These foods cause bleeding hemorrhoids and shake your sensitive area.

Remember that you control yourself by eating foods low in fiber. You will find that if you limit your consumption of foods low in fiber, is to improve your chair ....


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